CHALCEDON REPORT NO. 2 October 31, 1965 R. J. RUSHDOONY During this past month, in the course of my travels, I spent several hours visiting with an outstanding conservative leader, a man who is a major force in one of our most notable anti-communist organisations. In the first few minutes, he raised the question: “Do you see any hope?” Many ask this same question. I am … [Read more...]
Quotable Quotes: The Postmillennial Hope
The concern over eschatological systems is not merely academic but deeply spiritual and practical: “When ignorance and confusion prevail regarding the optimistic hope of scripture, we witness a consequent ebbing of the power and vitality from the Christian faith itself” (Gentry, p. 59). While premillennial, dispensational, and amillennial systems have distinct … [Read more...]
5 Books on the Christian Perspective of Suffering
The plight of man in a world marred by sin and death demands that one make sense of the suffering that grips every person in various forms and degrees. A person’s world-and-life-view – their underlying convictions concerning the origin, nature, meaning and destiny of man and the world – will inform one’s response to suffering. For the unregenerate, believing a lie that … [Read more...]
Radical Witness in Hostile Times: A Eucharistic Prayer
“For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes” 1 Corinthians 11:26 This Easter we consider the radical nature of this covenantal meal, particularly in a culture that is increasingly hostile to the Christian witness. Even though many national governments have decreed "lock-down" because of COVID-19, the kingdom of God is … [Read more...]
5 Books on the Victorious Christian Hope for History
The devastating effects of certain defective eschatological scenarios in the contemporary church are seen in the retreat and decline of the Christian faith and social order in our time. Eschatology is not merely a narrow view of ‘the end’ but concerns more fully the entire direction and goal of God’s purpose in history. It therefore has a profound influence on a … [Read more...]
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