In this paper we will first briefly consider in the Introduction: 1) the role of the Bible as the foundation for rationality, 2) a novel error that undermines the Bible, 3) the doctrine of the preservation of the Scriptures, and 4) the theological presuppositions behind this novel belief that undermines the Bible. And second, we will then consider seven characteristics of error … [Read more...]
First Principles
This teaching stream explores the First Principles of Christianity.
The 'first principles' (arche) of anything are the founding or ruling principles. Within them are embedded the genius of ultimate maturity and completion (telos); first principles are thus a seed principle.
Read more: First Principles of Christianity.
First Principles includes:
- Doctrine of Christ (Hebrews 6:1-3).
- Christian Initiation (Acts 2:38).
- Covenant Community (Acts 2:42).
- Law and Gospel (Romans; Galatians).
- Creation Order (Gen 1-3).
- Creation Mandate (Gen 1:28).
- Covenant and Kingdom Motif of Scripture.
- Inerrancy of Scripture.
- Faith of the Ecumenical Creeds (Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed, Chalcedon Creed).
The First Principles of Christianity
Therefore leaving the elementary [first principles] teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity... Hebrews 6:1 The 'first principles' (arche) of anything are the founding or ruling principles. Within them are embedded the genius of successful completion (telos); first principles are thus a seed principle. Having accomplished God’s redemptive purpose for history, … [Read more...]
What is the Gospel?
God’s good news—the Gospel—is the best and most important news you will ever hear. It is found permanently recorded in God’s Word—the Bible. The Bible is the final authority regarding God’s news for us—and this is where you should go to check up on what anybody says about God and His relationship to man. There are many ways to summarize the Gospel. One way is: The wages of … [Read more...]