Tribalism and sectarianism for apostolic unity Fourth, she must reject her tribalism and sectarianism for apostolic unity. This is not to deny that God sets the solitary within families (Ps 68). God has ordained that his people dwell together as families, and as tribes, and as an entire holy nation. Nevertheless, where the more basic configurations degenerate into schisms and … [Read more...]
Apostolic Architecture
To discover God’s design for his church this teaching stream will examine Apostolic Architecture.
Paul was God’s chosen instrument to lay the apostolic foundation for God’s earth purpose, universally—for all times and all places. He was thus the proto-typical apostle. Consequently, we must recover Pauline theology and practice – Paul’s architecture – if we are to lay the foundation of Christ and thereby prove to be instrumental in global transformation.
Read more: Apostolic Architecture: God's Design for his People
A Biblical View of Church and State: Implications for Same-Sex Marriage
In understanding the biblical role of church and state – and its implications for homosexuality – we must first understand the transformational nature of God’s kingdom. Christ is not only “head over all things to the church” (Eph 1:22), but also “ruler of kings on earth” (Rev 1:5). Through Christ’s resurrection and ascension he has been given “all authority in heaven and on … [Read more...]
Apostolic Architecture: God’s Design for His People
Paul, referring to the church in Corinth as “God’s building”, likened himself – as an apostle – to a “skilled master builder” (2 Cor 3:10). The Greek word for “master builder” is architekton, reflecting that the builder in the Greco-Roman world functioned as both architect and builder, Paul functioning as both. Not only was he an apostle, but more significantly the apostle to … [Read more...]
Apostolic Architecture
Apostolic Architecture is a free resource paper developed in 2009 for an apostolic round table in Charlotte, USA. Building a Prototype Model of City-Church God is restoring to the church an authentic apostolic Christianity by re-laying the foundations of the apostolic message, apostolic ministry, and apostolic mode. These foundations will provide the spiritual technology to … [Read more...]
Apostles, Prophets and Future Church
built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord. Ephesians 2:20–21 ESV. Preamble: During the last half of the twentieth century, across various evangelical and charismatic streams of the global church, there has been an increased … [Read more...]