A classic message delivered by Ern Baxter at the 1977 'Conference on the Charismatic Renewal in the Christian Churches', Arrow Head Stadium, Kansas City, when 50,000 charismatics from all streams of the church gathered for a week of worship and teaching. At this highpoint of the renewal Ern delivered a powerful message concerning the centrality of Christ's Kingdom coming in … [Read more...]
Quotable Quotes
The Postmillennial Hope … [Read more...]
MP3 Teaching Series W. J. Ern Baxter (1914-1993) Ern’s teaching is as current today as it was 30 or more years ago, if not more so. His message penetrates to the root issues of contemporary culture. It provides a foundation in biblical orthodoxy for the victory of Christ in history and casts a vision for the increase of God’s government in the world. Read more ... The … [Read more...]
Recommended Reading
While these recommended reading lists represent what we believe to be an approximation of biblical orthodoxy and of logic on fire, in view of the spread of authorship it is impossible to provide an unqualified endorsement of every view represented. 5 Books to Equip You to Respond to the Cultural Crisis 5 Books for Faithful Biblical Sexuality in the Midst of Sexual … [Read more...]