From the back cover—
The Biden presidency, in tandem with the global elites and the COVID-19 pandemic’s convenient segue into the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Great Reset of 2021, represents cultural-Marxism’s usurpation of the West’s institutions—of its legislatures, courts, universities, media, and corporate boardrooms.
The lead-time of God’s mercy has expired. So, how must the church respond to this? And how will she navigate the new cultural and political terrain?
The Great Reset: Charting the Way Forward by David Orton provides the answer, outlining five resets that the church must undergo to equip her to be both the demonstration and proclamation of God’s government to the world. Only then will the nations discover the biblical blueprints for their dilemmas.
This will instead prove to be God’s Great Reset.
There are five resets the church must undergo:
- Partisan politics for the politics of the Kingdom,
- The myth of neutrality for a cultural gospel,
- Experientialism and false prophecy for the Scriptures,
- Tribalism and sectarianism for apostolic unity, and
- Eschatologies of defeat for Christ’s victory in history.
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From the Preface—
This booklet was written with the thought of the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland in January 2021 under the banner, The Great Reset.
This conference represents the world’s most powerful elites – politicians, royalty, government bureaucrats, academics, economists, conservationists, public health experts, Big Money, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Big Media, and Hollywood celebrities – seeking to recreate the world in their own image.
With the West’s rejection of her Christian past she has also denounced the cultural and social substructures that have provided her freedom and prosperity. From the Enlightenment onwards, for some 300 years, she has pursued other gods. As we negotiate this first half of the 21st century, the full harvest of her apostasy from the personal, infinite God is coming to maturity. We have sown a wind and are reaping a whirlwind (Hos 8:7).
Nevertheless, God’s judgments are redemptive. Regardless of Western man’s rebellion, he still lives in God’s world. No matter how much he pursues his utopian dreams – attempting to recover Eden without God – recreating the world through his own fiat word, he comes up against the world as it really is. All facts stubbornly remain God-created facts. There is no escape. God’s image in man and creative imprint in the world are inerasable.
Through God’s providence and predetermined plan, the West will ultimately awake from her delusion. Reaping the consequences of her rebellion – economically, societally, and psychologically – she will come to what Cornelius Van Til calls “epistemological self-consciousness”—to the realization of the incoherence of her belief-system and that it bears no relation to reality. Autonomous-man’s intellectual precommitments when extrapolated do not comport with the way the world is. His precommitments and his fiat decrees of anticipated utopia instead lead to the abyss. God’s judgments enforce reality.
But for this “epistemological self- consciousness” to occur, the church, as the pillar and ground of truth, must first come to hers. That the same precommitments, even for the church, lead to the same abyss. Forsaking modernism and subjectivism she must return to the verities of “the faith once for all delivered to the saints”, to historic biblical orthodoxy. To the absolute and inerrant God whose word is clear, sufficient, and unchangeable—providing the wisdom and laws for man’s prosperity in God’s world.
The good news is that Christ’s resurrection and ascension have secured the beachhead in the enemy’s territory. And now through his church the invasion has begun. Despite momentary setbacks no satanic authority can, nor will, withstand the advance of God’s Kingdom in the world. Christ’s rule and law-word will prevail in history, outworking in a new worldwide Christian civilization. To this end this booklet is dedicated.
From the Preface of the Great Reset: Charting the Way Forward
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