As with all Christian ministries we look to the Lord for his provision through his people.
Your financial giving is the key that releases us to serve the larger Body of Christ internationally.
Your regular monthly donations, one-off gifts, or bequests are integral to the fulfilling of Lifemessenger’s mission.
If you would like to partner with us you can contribute regular or one-off donations:
Online via paypal or with credit card:
Or via electronic transfers to:
Lifemessenger Inc General Account
ANZ Bank Mt Eliza Way Mt Eliza VIC Australia.
Bank and Branch (BSB) #: 013 396 Account #: 108767043
For International Transfers the SWIFT CODE is ANZ BAU3M
Cheques in $AUD may be made payable to:
Lifemessenger Inc
PO Box 777, Mount Eliza VIC 3930, Australia
Financial partnership is strategic to blessing the work of God with capital wealth for the advance of the Gospel and the Kingdom in the world, thus, the character requirement for ministers of the Gospel to be free from the “love of money” (1 Tim 3:3; 6:10). Hence this transfer of wealth is not toward an excessive lifestyle for God’s servants, but toward funding the ecclesia’s educative mandate (teaching and preaching the Gospel) in society, including care for the poor, and thus Kingdom advance (Mtt 28:18-20).
Lifemessenger Inc was thus established in 1996 as a non-profit religious foundation to facilitate the above. It is registered in the state of Victoria, Australia and is subject to the statutory requirements thereof.
Leaving a Legacy
Why Not Leave A Gift In Your Will?
Lifemessenger is committed to teaching and equipping future generations of Christian thinkers and shapers of church and culture.
Our primary Mandate is the re-evangelisation of the post-Christian West. Ours is therefore a long-term multi-generational strategy. God’s plans flow from generation to generation. Our Vision and Mission will not be fulfilled in one lifetime:
Our Vision
We see a world – from individuals through to families, peoples, nations, and entire cultures – transformed through the regenerating power of the Gospel of Christ, yielding to God’s government of righteousness, peace, and joy, returning human and creational flourishing to the earth.
Our Mission
- To proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his government through teaching and writing, utilising the worldwide web, electronic media, publications, tutorials, think-tanks, and conferences.
- To explicate from the Scriptures the Gospel of Christ’s government for all spheres of life: ethics, epistemology, history, economics, church, civil government, arts and creativity, entrepreneurship, family etc.
- To declare God’s sovereignty and purpose over church and culture.
We have a proven track record in teaching, writing, publishing, and catalysing prophetically relevant expressions of ministry and unity across the larger church, but we need your financial support if we are to expand Lifemessenger’s impact into the future.
A bequest to Lifemessenger helps support, train, and equip future generations of Christian influencers. Any size bequest is a great support, but larger ones especially can create a capital foundation for a specific on-going initiative such as an annual studentship, annual lecture, annual publication or conference in perpetuity, or just a capital foundation for the ministry to fulfil its mission to future generations.
Will you consider making a gift in your Will?
How Legacies Can Help
A gift in your Will can achieve great things through the ministry. It can help us fund the ministry’s:
- teaching team,
- outreach events (conferences, think-tanks, lectures),
- research library,
- IT publishing and communications, and much more.
When you donate to Lifemessenger, you are investing in the next generation of Christian cultural influencers.
Making a Gift to Lifemessenger In Your Will
There are many different ways of including Lifemessenger in your Will, depending in which country you live and your personal circumstances. This is a specialised area and unfortunately we are not able to offer personal advice on drawing up a Will. We strongly recommend that you speak to a qualified legal professional in the preparation of your Will. However, please do contact us if you would like more information about making a legacy gift or to speak to Lifemessenger development team.
We understand this is a private and personal matter but if you would be willing to kindly let us know of your plans to remember Lifemessenger in your Will it would be greatly appreciated. Not only does it help us with our financial planning but it also allows us to say thank you for your future support and to discuss any particular wishes you might have.
Our Commitment to You
Your bequest will be used effectively for its intended purpose.
Information about your bequest will be handled sensitively and with confidentiality. We respect your right to privacy.
We would like to acknowledge the generosity of those pledging a bequest but will do so only with consent.
Prompt and forthright responses to your enquiries.
If you would like to understand the foundational biblical principles of giving in the new covenant we hope you will find our article “Tithing and the New Covenant” useful.