In this paper we will first briefly consider in the Introduction: 1) the role of the Bible as the foundation for rationality, 2) a novel error that undermines the Bible, 3) the doctrine of the preservation of the Scriptures, and 4) the theological presuppositions behind this novel belief that undermines the Bible. And second, we will then consider seven characteristics of error … [Read more...]
The Great Reset: Charting The Way Forward, Part 4
Tribalism and sectarianism for apostolic unity Fourth, she must reject her tribalism and sectarianism for apostolic unity. This is not to deny that God sets the solitary within families (Ps 68). God has ordained that his people dwell together as families, and as tribes, and as an entire holy nation. Nevertheless, where the more basic configurations degenerate into schisms and … [Read more...]
The Hinge of a New Age: Preparing the Way for Global Revival
Marriage is a physical symbol of a spiritual reality. The apostle uses the same analogy when addressing the church in the city of Corinth: I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy. I promised you to one husband, to Christ, so that I might present you as a pure virgin to him. 2 Corinthians 11:2 God’s Nature Demonstrated through Marriage The Bible, therefore, treats very … [Read more...]
Apostolic Mission: The Kingdom of God and the Cultural Mandate
The West is engaged in a war to the death. But this is not a war of guns and rockets. Rather it is one of ideas. The battle lines are drawn between two opposing worldviews: Christian Theism and Secular Humanism. The defining idea of Humanism is that of self-determinism. In the words of Protagoras, it is “Man as his own measure”. Despite God’s clear revelation to him, man, in … [Read more...]
End-Time Fads & Defeatist Fantasies: Studies In Eschatology
For want of a sound hermeneutic (i.e. principles of interpretation), the ‘Tribulation’ and the ‘Beast’ headline the comic-book theologies of today’s church, spawning all manner of “End Time” fads and, sadly, defeatist fantasies—of the church subjugated by the ‘Beast’ in the ‘Tribulation’, demanding its rapture and, hence, its extraction from the field of battle. If it were not … [Read more...]