In this paper we will first briefly consider in the Introduction: 1) the role of the Bible as the foundation for rationality, 2) a novel error that undermines the Bible, 3) the doctrine of the preservation of the Scriptures, and 4) the theological presuppositions behind this novel belief that undermines the Bible. And second, we will then consider seven characteristics of error … [Read more...]
What’s Wrong with Wright? ‘Imputation’ to begin with…
Imputation Contended and Defended Romans 5:12-21 is considered the locus classicus for the doctrine of "imputation"; that is, the imputation of Adam's sin, guilt, and penalty to humankind and of Christ's righteousness to the believer. However, the ‘New Perspective on Paul’ significantly contends against “imputation”. For example, as one of the most influential proponents, … [Read more...]
“Predictive Prophecy” In The Book Of Daniel: The Challenge to Rationalism
Presuppositions & Prophecy The issue of "predictive prophecy" has provided a stumbling-block for rationalistic interpreters from the Neoplatonic critic, Porphyry, to German Higher Criticism of the nineteenth century, and even down to the contemporary critic of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. To accept the validity of “predictive prophecy” is tantamount to … [Read more...]
Romans: The Universality of Judgement & Justification, Part 4b
EXPOSITION: Chapter 3:1-31 In v. 1-8 the apostle continues to address the Jews, although, he now rhetorically poses the potential conclusions (v. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8) from the previous passage (2:17-29), asserting that they are fallacious (v. 2, 4, 6, 9). He has so radically redefined the Jew that it begs the question of: 1) their advantage above the Gentiles; 2) the value of … [Read more...]
Romans: Kingdom through Covenant, Part 1
The question will be asked, why another commentary on Romans? First, because Romans provides the ABC's of the Gospel, it is Christianity 101. From the early church to the present day, it has been recognised as the foundational teaching of Christianity, providing the Bible's most complete statement concerning God's purpose for humankind, its fall from that purpose, and his … [Read more...]