“The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him” Psalms 25:14 The secret, or intimate, things of God are not accessible to everyone. In fact, God hides the deeper knowledge of himself. Surrounded by clouds and thick darkness (Psa 37:2), he confounds those who would come to him filled with spiritual ambition. Driven from the garden, would-be autonomous man is unable to … [Read more...]
The Hiddenness of God
Truly you are a God who hides himself ... Isaiah 45:15 The hiddenness of God is one of the greatest paradoxes of the spiritual life. On the one hand, he is the self-revealing God who delights to communicate with man, but on the other, he hides himself. God is a mystery. An anonymous fourteenth century divine refers to this as, the Cloud of Unknowing. The psalmist cries out … [Read more...]
OUT OF THE BOAT! Jesus and the Contemporary Church
… they thought he was a ghost. Mark 6:49 Jesus, teaching on the mount they knew. Jesus, feeding the five-thousand, and even raising the dead, they knew! But what was this new and strange manifestation? The disciples had been directed by Jesus to get into a boat and cross the lake to Bethsaida. When evening came a storm had blown up and they were ‘straining’ on the oars as … [Read more...]
Lessons from the Cave: Responding to Prophetic Delay
His dreams of fulfilled destiny lay wrecked before him. From the heights of being anointed for the throne, and of a famous victory over one of Israel's most forbidding enemies David was now thrust from Saul's service into a fugitive life. Far from the comforts of the palace he found himself fighting for his survival alone in the wilderness. But this time, instead of a … [Read more...]