The myth of neutrality for a cultural gospel Second, she must reject the myth of neutrality for a cultural gospel. This demands an entire world-and-life-view grounded in the sovereignty of God. Without it we are not able to develop the politics of the Kingdom of God. God’s sovereignty as both Creator and Redeemer over the totality of human existence necessarily includes … [Read more...]
Religious Freedom: A Proposed Bill of Rights for Australia
After vigorous national debate, Australia, in September 2017, voted in a plebiscite to legalise Same-Sex Marriage. This highlighted the issue of competing rights and the potential suppression of freedom of speech and religion. As a result the Prime Minister established a Religious Freedom Review served by an expert panel of academics and clergy. Lifemessenger has submitted the … [Read more...]
Reality & the Inescapable God: Foundations in Christian Worldview
The Inescapable God “… we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter” Isa 28:15 – Part 2 of 3 – An Inescapable Reality The foundation of any worldview is its view of origins. What a person accepts as ultimate will shape everything else. The biblical worldview is grounded in its doctrine of creation, which, in contrast to naturalism’s … [Read more...]
Rationality & the Inescapable God: Foundations in Christian Worldview
The Inescapable God “… we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter” Isa 28:15 – Part 1 of 3 – An Inescapable Goal The goal of fallen man[1] throughout history, as defined in Genesis, is “to be like God, knowing [or determining] good and evil” (Gen 3:5). While man’s place in the cosmos, as a creature, is found in total dependence on his … [Read more...]
‘Fire on the Earth’: God’s Dealings with the West
The malaise of the 21st century Western church, in an increasingly hostile secular culture, urges us to penetrate its cause and radically re-cast the Christian vision for the 21st century. What is required is nothing short of the recovery of the biblical vision for a kingdom-shaped ecclesia; designed and destined by God to transform entire cultures and disciple nations. Even … [Read more...]