The plight of man in a world marred by sin and death demands that one make sense of the suffering that grips every person in various forms and degrees. A person’s world-and-life-view – their underlying convictions concerning the origin, nature, meaning and destiny of man and the world – will inform one’s response to suffering. For the unregenerate, believing a lie that … [Read more...]
Romans: Re-Creation by the Spirit—Paradise Restored, Part 5d
EXPOSITION: Chapter 8:1-39 Romans 8: The Climax of the Covenant As explained in the Introduction to this section (Chs. 5-8), this chapter reiterates and consummates Ch. 5. In the meantime, Chs. 6 and 7 have addressed the hurdles of sin and the law to the universal reign of grace introduced in Ch. 5 but now fully explicated in Ch. 8. The four chapters form a chiastic ring … [Read more...]
Sovereignty & Unjust Suffering: Studies in Daniel, Part 1/2
Divine Sovereignty & Christian Suffering In view of Christian experience and, indeed, that of Daniel, it must be asked as to how one responds to 'unjust suffering'. While 'unjust suffering' can manifest in many forms, the focus of this article is on persecution. Perhaps the best way to view ‘unjust suffering’ in the book of Daniel is through the words and teaching of … [Read more...]
Humility of Heart: Restoring the Glory of God
God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble. James 4:6 NASB He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 NKJV This kind of humility is to occur: Not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and … [Read more...]
The Society Envisaged by Isaiah 60-62
The prophecy in Isaiah 60-62 utilizes figurative and poetic language, related to Israel’s history as a nation, to envision postexilic life in a restored and magnified Zion. As the ideal theocratic society, it is the place of God’s visible glory in his people: righteousness, justice, prosperity, and unceasing peace and joy, causing the influx of the nations to serve Zion. … [Read more...]