CHALCEDON REPORT NO. 2 October 31, 1965 R. J. RUSHDOONY During this past month, in the course of my travels, I spent several hours visiting with an outstanding conservative leader, a man who is a major force in one of our most notable anti-communist organisations. In the first few minutes, he raised the question: “Do you see any hope?” Many ask this same question. I am … [Read more...]
Thy Kingdom Come
A classic message delivered by Ern Baxter at the 1977 'Conference on the Charismatic Renewal in the Christian Churches', Arrow Head Stadium, Kansas City, when 50,000 charismatics from all streams of the church gathered for a week of worship and teaching. At this highpoint of the renewal Ern delivered a powerful message concerning the centrality of Christ's Kingdom coming in … [Read more...]
The Strategic Battle Of Our Time
“Though we be active in the battle, if we are not fighting where the battle is the hottest, we are traitors to the cause.” — Martin Luther As we negotiate 2022, travelling deeper into the third decade of the 21st century, it is imperative that we discern where the battle of our time lies. Majoring on minors As a master strategist, his satanic majesty desires nothing … [Read more...]
The Great Reset: Charting The Way Forward, Part 4
Tribalism and sectarianism for apostolic unity Fourth, she must reject her tribalism and sectarianism for apostolic unity. This is not to deny that God sets the solitary within families (Ps 68). God has ordained that his people dwell together as families, and as tribes, and as an entire holy nation. Nevertheless, where the more basic configurations degenerate into schisms and … [Read more...]
Romans: The Problem of Sin, Part 5b
EXPOSITION: Chapter 6:1-23 The Definition of Sanctification The problem of sin in relation to the Christian life is generally termed “sanctification” with the term found only twice in this epistle, here in ch.6 in v. 19, 22. The Greek word hagiasmos means consecration, purification; from hagiadzo – to make holy, purify, or consecrate, which is from hagios meaning sacred or … [Read more...]
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