CHALCEDON REPORT NO. 2 October 31, 1965 R. J. RUSHDOONY During this past month, in the course of my travels, I spent several hours visiting with an outstanding conservative leader, a man who is a major force in one of our most notable anti-communist organisations. In the first few minutes, he raised the question: “Do you see any hope?” Many ask this same question. I am … [Read more...]
Clarifying the ‘End Times’ from Daniel & Revelation: Studies in Eschatology
First, the meaning of the term ‘end times’ must be clarified. Chilton comments, … what is often missed is the fact that the expression ‘the last days’, and similar terms, are used in the Bible to refer, not to the end of the physical world, but to the last days of the nation of Israel, the ‘last days’ which ended with the destruction of the Temple in AD 70.[1] This may be a … [Read more...]
Sovereignty & The Pagan Power-State: Studies in Daniel
Divine Sovereignty: asserted by Daniel Every chapter of this book clearly asserts the sovereignty of God. In referring to the lesson of fulfilled prophecy that Daniel provides for the church, the translator’s preface to Calvin’s commentary on Daniel points out that, “they [fulfilled prophecies] display His ceaseless dominion over the wills of Sovereigns and over the destinies … [Read more...]
Romans: The Universality of Judgement & Justification, Part 4b
EXPOSITION: Chapter 3:1-31 In v. 1-8 the apostle continues to address the Jews, although, he now rhetorically poses the potential conclusions (v. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8) from the previous passage (2:17-29), asserting that they are fallacious (v. 2, 4, 6, 9). He has so radically redefined the Jew that it begs the question of: 1) their advantage above the Gentiles; 2) the value of … [Read more...]
Romans: God Revealed & Man Judged—Covenant Disobeyed, Part 3
EXPOSITION: Chapter 1:18-32 False Gospels. Our passage under consideration is the opening one of a far larger section (1:18-3:20). This larger context demonstrates that man, universally (Jew and Gentile), is under sin and that there is no question of his justification apart from faith. It picks up the theme of the epistle presented in v. 17 that the Gospel is the "... … [Read more...]
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