“Though we be active in the battle, if we are not fighting where the battle is the hottest, we are traitors to the cause.” — Martin Luther As we negotiate 2022, travelling deeper into the third decade of the 21st century, it is imperative that we discern where the battle of our time lies. Majoring on minors As a master strategist, his satanic majesty desires nothing … [Read more...]
The Great Reset: Charting The Way Forward, Part 2
The myth of neutrality for a cultural gospel Second, she must reject the myth of neutrality for a cultural gospel. This demands an entire world-and-life-view grounded in the sovereignty of God. Without it we are not able to develop the politics of the Kingdom of God. God’s sovereignty as both Creator and Redeemer over the totality of human existence necessarily includes … [Read more...]
The Great Reset: Charting The Way Forward, Part 1
In 2004 I wrote that the period 1950 to 2025 represents a hinge of history, on which swings a door to a new epoch of the Kingdom of God. The Biden presidency will bring us to the brink of that new era, to 2025. But at the same time I also wrote that the “twin towers” attack of 2001 signalled an acceleration of God’s judgment on the West, already reaching through the holocaust … [Read more...]
Romans: Caesar & Christ—Gospel Declared, Part 2
EXPOSITION: Chapter 1:1-17 Purpose & Theme 1:1-7 — Paul's Salutation 1-2 "Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, 2 which he promised beforehand through his prophets in the holy Scriptures"—While possessing intimate elements, Paul's opening salutation (longer than any other Pauline epistle) is in the style of … [Read more...]
Religious Freedom: A Proposed Bill of Rights for Australia
After vigorous national debate, Australia, in September 2017, voted in a plebiscite to legalise Same-Sex Marriage. This highlighted the issue of competing rights and the potential suppression of freedom of speech and religion. As a result the Prime Minister established a Religious Freedom Review served by an expert panel of academics and clergy. Lifemessenger has submitted the … [Read more...]