A classic message delivered by Ern Baxter at the 1977 'Conference on the Charismatic Renewal in the Christian Churches', Arrow Head Stadium, Kansas City, when 50,000 charismatics from all streams of the church gathered for a week of worship and teaching. At this highpoint of the renewal Ern delivered a powerful message concerning the centrality of Christ's Kingdom coming in … [Read more...]
A Vision Of Christ’s Victory In History: Needed In The Present Crisis
There is nothing surer for 2023—that the global oligarchy of elites will ramp up their agenda for saving the planet. Battle for total sovereignty To do this they must prosecute a battle for total sovereignty, of enslaving the masses for their own good. They will do this by several means. They will move the nations toward Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) as a form of … [Read more...]
Apostolic Mission: The Kingdom of God and the Cultural Mandate
The West is engaged in a war to the death. But this is not a war of guns and rockets. Rather it is one of ideas. The battle lines are drawn between two opposing worldviews: Christian Theism and Secular Humanism. The defining idea of Humanism is that of self-determinism. In the words of Protagoras, it is “Man as his own measure”. Despite God’s clear revelation to him, man, in … [Read more...]
5 Books on the Christian Perspective of Suffering
The plight of man in a world marred by sin and death demands that one make sense of the suffering that grips every person in various forms and degrees. A person’s world-and-life-view – their underlying convictions concerning the origin, nature, meaning and destiny of man and the world – will inform one’s response to suffering. For the unregenerate, believing a lie that … [Read more...]
Romans: Covenant Predestined, Part 6a
EXPOSITION: Chapter 9:1-29 9:1-5—Introduction: The Tension Between God’s Promises and Israel’s Plight 1 I am speaking the truth in Christ—I am not lying; my conscience bears me witness in the Holy Spirit—2 that I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. 3 For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of … [Read more...]
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