The West is engaged in a war to the death. But this is not a war of guns and rockets. Rather it is one of ideas. The battle lines are drawn between two opposing worldviews: Christian Theism and Secular Humanism. The defining idea of Humanism is that of self-determinism. In the words of Protagoras, it is “Man as his own measure”. Despite God’s clear revelation to him, man, in … [Read more...]
5 Books on the Christian Perspective of Suffering
The plight of man in a world marred by sin and death demands that one make sense of the suffering that grips every person in various forms and degrees. A person’s world-and-life-view – their underlying convictions concerning the origin, nature, meaning and destiny of man and the world – will inform one’s response to suffering. For the unregenerate, believing a lie that … [Read more...]
Romans: Re-Creation by the Spirit—Paradise Restored, Part 5d
EXPOSITION: Chapter 8:1-39 Romans 8: The Climax of the Covenant As explained in the Introduction to this section (Chs. 5-8), this chapter reiterates and consummates Ch. 5. In the meantime, Chs. 6 and 7 have addressed the hurdles of sin and the law to the universal reign of grace introduced in Ch. 5 but now fully explicated in Ch. 8. The four chapters form a chiastic ring … [Read more...]
5 Books for Faithful Biblical Sexuality in the Midst of Sexual Chaos
We live in an unprecedented time of sexual chaos, promoted and celebrated not only in the surrounding culture but also, tragically, in the church. In the name of liberation the sexual revolution advances the deconstruction of the family, including no-fault divorce, pre-marital sex, abortion as contraception and the sexualisation of children, and the deregulation of sexual … [Read more...]
Romans: God Revealed & Man Judged—Covenant Disobeyed, Part 3
EXPOSITION: Chapter 1:18-32 False Gospels. Our passage under consideration is the opening one of a far larger section (1:18-3:20). This larger context demonstrates that man, universally (Jew and Gentile), is under sin and that there is no question of his justification apart from faith. It picks up the theme of the epistle presented in v. 17 that the Gospel is the "... … [Read more...]