Logos Foundation logo used by permission of the founder, Paul H. Collins.
The two interlocking circles represent the Word and Spirit held in balanced tension.
Logos Foundation was founded in New Zealand in 1966 to foster the Charismatic Renewal across the mainline denominations, publishing the renewal journal, Logos magazine.
Logos Foundation relocated to Sydney, Australia, in 1969 under its founder, Paul Collins, where it became a pioneer in facilitating the renewal through ‘Holy Spirit Teaching Seminars’ in premier venues such as the Wentworth Hotel Ballroom, and through large conferences, and an annual Logos Convention. The annual convention was held at Stanwell Tops Convention Centre for many years, finally transferring in 1975 to Logos Foundation’s own facilities in the Blue Mountains, which included a conference auditorium seating up to 5,000 people.
Many of the leading international Bible teachers of the Charismatic Renewal spoke at the conventions, including W.J.E. Baxter, Bob Mumford, Derek Prince, Charles Simpson, Judson Cornwall, Ralph Mahoney, David Schock, Kevin Conner, and Peter Morrow.
The Logos magazine was renamed Restore and, in partnership with New Wine magazine (USA), grew to become by the mid 1980s the largest Christian publication in Australia.
Logos Foundation ceased to operate circa 1990.
David Orton, the founder of Lifemessenger, first intersected with the ministry of Logos Foundation in 1971, attending a ‘Holy Spirit Teaching Seminar’ at the Sydney Town Hall (Ralph Mahoney, Judson Cornwall, and Paul Collins were the speakers). The relationship with this ministry was formative for David & Jenny Orton, continuing for the next 20 years.
The reason for Lifemessenger’s adoption of the Logos logo is two-fold:
- History
We are committed to honouring heritage. This ministry flows directly out of the Charismatic Renewal and specifically from the ministry of Logos Foundation under Paul & Bunty Collins. As new believers David & Jenny Orton were filled with the Spirit, baptised, and trained under Paul & Bunty’s ministry, Paul also officiating at their wedding.
- Ethos
As reflected in the logo, the balance of the Word and the Spirit is a high value. It is integral to Christian maturity and to the fulfilment of God’s purpose on earth. Overemphasis either way is sadly reflected in the historic divide between the Evangelical/Reformed movement and the Pentecostal/Charismatic movement.
The marriage of charismatic experience (Holy Spirit) and historic orthodoxy (Word) is foundational to the movement of God in history, and thus, strategic for the completion of God’s ‘earth-purpose’.
Additionally, the vision for the renewal and unity of Christ’s body that animated the early ministry of Logos Foundation was formative for this ministry.