Do you not discern and understand that you (the whole church at Corinth) are God's temple ... ? 1 Corinthians 3:16 AMP God's purpose has always been to dwell with men. From the beginning of time to its culmination – from Eden to the New Jerusalem – this has been his singular desire. In the Garden, it was God's habit to come down and commune with the first human community, … [Read more...]
OUT OF THE BOAT! Jesus and the Contemporary Church
… they thought he was a ghost. Mark 6:49 Jesus, teaching on the mount they knew. Jesus, feeding the five-thousand, and even raising the dead, they knew! But what was this new and strange manifestation? The disciples had been directed by Jesus to get into a boat and cross the lake to Bethsaida. When evening came a storm had blown up and they were ‘straining’ on the oars as … [Read more...]
Global Transformation
Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10 The Scriptures promise a golden era of human history; an era when the kingdom comes to earth and all men will live in peace and justice. Despite the marring of sin, man (gender neutral), as God's image bearer, has longed for this era from time immemorial. This was captured poignantly in our time … [Read more...]
The Dwelling of God
And the word was made flesh, and dwelt among us … John 1:14 God’s purpose has always been to dwell with men. From the beginning of time to its culmination, from Eden to the New Jerusalem, this has been his singular desire. In the Garden, it was God’s habit to come down and commune with the first human community, most probably at the close of each … [Read more...]
Travailing in Birth: Christ in You
My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you Galatians 4:19 Christ being formed within us is the sine qua non of Christianity. It is the true apostolic burden and the essential ingredient of the spiritual life. Without it we are reduced to either merely a religious or rationalistic code—to "a form of godliness" (2 Tim 3:5). … [Read more...]