In the face of increasing global political, economic and societal unrest, how ought the Christian view the perilous instability of our times? Where is God? And does he have a plan for the nations? Psalm 2 provides a concise summary of history that establishes a biblical worldview vital to understanding the issues of our day. As God’s revelation about his intention for the … [Read more...]
God Revealed in History: Covenant Realities for Today
"In the beginning God..."—Unlike the pagan gods of antiquity, the God of the Bible is revealed as the God of history, not only as the eternal and infinite God but also as the Creator and Governor of the time-space world. This God purposed, from his eternal counsels (Jn 17:5, 24; Eph 1:4; 1 Pet 1:20; Rev 13:8), to bring together – in the fullness of the times (i.e. in history) – … [Read more...]
Reality & the Inescapable God: Foundations in Christian Worldview
The Inescapable God “… we have made lies our refuge, and in falsehood we have taken shelter” Isa 28:15 – Part 2 of 3 – An Inescapable Reality The foundation of any worldview is its view of origins. What a person accepts as ultimate will shape everything else. The biblical worldview is grounded in its doctrine of creation, which, in contrast to naturalism’s … [Read more...]
The Pauline Correspondence: Its Mode & Message
Part 3 of 3 In Parts 1 & 2 we discovered that Paul's call and commission, as the pioneer apostle to the Gentiles, was unique and normative for the church universally. We will now explore these implications for the apostolic mode and message. Mode As the pioneer – and thus proto-type – apostle to the Gentiles Paul modelled God's strategy for the expansion of the Gospel … [Read more...]
Hear the Howl: The Existential Cry of this Age
Howl verb \’hau(-e)l\ : to cry out loudly and without restraint under strong impulse (as pain, grief, or amusement). The 21st century person faces an existential crisis. For 150 years the Darwinist narrative that human life is a product of a mindless, unguided process – a fortuitous cosmic accident – with no ultimate meaning, value or purpose, has been disseminated in … [Read more...]